Thursday, May 31, 2012

Webcam Symmetry Paint Over

I forget where I first learned the technique but I was reintroduced to this creative process in my digital illustration class. Most webcams these days have programs that come with them that allows you to do funny optical effects. One of these effects is the mirror function and this can be a great art tool in creating fantastical creatures.
1. Simply set up your camera to mirror mode.
2. Crunch up some paper (junk mail is great).
3. Hold the paper into the field of view of the camera but from an
4. Angle where you hand doesn't show.
5. Rotate the paper until you see a form on your screen you find interesting. Think of it like seeing objects a people in cloud formations.
6. Repeat this process many times.
7.Open up these digital files in your favorite painting program.
8.Now start to do a paint over changing the shape into something more recognizable. Treat it like a speed painting but you have all you colors and values already there. Don't spend more than an hour painting.

These bottom two pics are just pieces of paper mirrored in a webcam.

Check out more of my work at Tobias White Illustrations
You should also follow me on Facebook, linkedin, Deviant Art,  or catch me on Tweeter at @TobiasWhite1

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mundane Wars Project

 This is a special project I am working on which combines the elements of Wonderland characters, steam punk and the history of the Opium Wars. The concept is fairly loose still but is starting to develop more and more each day that I work on it.  I am unsure of what the final direction this project will be used for as it could be anything from a web comic, graphic novel or visual development for either the movie and video game industry.

Check out more of my work at Tobias White Illustrations
You should also follow me on Facebook, linkedin, Deviant Art,  or catch me on Tweeter at @TobiasWhite1

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Steam Punk: Beginnings

By Tobias White Recently, just about a month before I graduated. I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in a month long Steam Punk gallery show called Steam Punk: Beginnings. The show was a big success and all the artists featured in the show did illustrations based off of books by J.K. Jeter, Tim Powers, James Blaylock who not only are Cal State Fullerton Alumni, but started the whole steam punk genre. The two illustrations below are two of my works that got selected for the show and are based off of Tim Power's Anubis Gates. At the show I even got to meet Tim Powers and found he was a really approachable and friendly. He also told me that my depiction of Horrabin the Clown was spot on to what he envisioned when he wrote the book.

Check out more of my work at Tobias White Illustrations
You should also follow me on Facebook, linkedin, Deviant Art,  or catch me on Tweeter at @TobiasWhite1

Back to Blogging

After a long hiatus from blogging . . . I am back. I have just recently graduated from Cal State Fullerton with a BFA in Illustration and with honors to boot. The man next to me in the photo is my illustration instructor Cliff Cramp who gave me the instruction and motivation I needed to become a stronger artist. I am now pursuing my career as an illustrator and as a visual development artist. In order to help me gain more notice on the web I have returned to this old blog and I will be updating as I go. I also have a website which is now up to date and you can find more of my artwork there. This is a temporary website and hopefully soon I will have a new website.

Check out more of my work at Tobias White Illustrations
You should also follow me on Facebook, linkedin, Deviant Art,  or catch me on Tweeter at @TobiasWhite1